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Getting a divorce can be one of the most stressful events in your life, but a lot of the difficulties people anticipate can be avoided with the right approach and good support. Our divorce solicitors in Reading can guide you through ending your marriage in the best way and on the best terms for you and your family.

At Clifton Ingram, we believe in keeping the divorce process as simple as possible, avoiding unnecessary conflict and making sure your best interests are protected. We can help you to navigate divorce proceedings, as well as the practical issues you need to sort out, such as separating your finances and making child arrangements.

If you are based in the Reading area, our local divorce solicitors can provide in-person support through every aspect of ending your marriage. We can also advise those further afield looking to access our high-level expertise and first-class client service.

Our divorce solicitors in Reading can assist with issues including:

Our divorce advice services

Divorce proceedings

Whether you need to apply for a divorce or respond to proceedings started by your spouse, our specialist divorce solicitors are here for you. We can support you through every stage of the divorce process in the UK, including completing the divorce application form and applying for the court orders needed to progress and finalise your divorce.

You may have questions about your rights in divorce under UK divorce law, as well as how different aspects of the process work. Our experts will answer your questions in plain English, so that you fully understand your position and your options. We will make sure you know exactly how ending your marriage will impact your life so that you can plan accordingly.

A common question people have is around the ‘grounds for divorce’ or the ‘acceptable reasons for divorce in the UK’. The good news is that this is now much simpler since reforms to UK divorce law came into effect in 2022 that now mean you simply need to state that your marriage has ‘irretrievably broken down’ in order to be granted a divorce. You no longer need to provide a reason such as adultery or unreasonable behaviour as was previous required.

Division of finances

Dealing with financial matters when getting a divorce can be daunting, especially given how much of an impact the outcome can have on your future and those of your loved ones. In most situations, it will be possible to agree a divorce financial settlement amicably but, in some cases, it is necessary to ask a court to decide the division of assets with a Financial Order.

Our specialist divorce solicitors in Reading can assist with negotiating divorce settlements and applying for Financial Orders as required. We will ensure all relevant assets are considered, including the family home, pensions, savings and investments.

Where an amicable agreement has been reached, we can make this binding by applying to a court for a Consent Order. We can also secure the Clean Break Order needed to protect you against the risk of future financial claims by your former spouse.

Arrangements for children

Arrangements for children following a divorce can look very different depending on the circumstances. Shared care between parents is common, with children regularly spending some time living with each parent. However, other arrangements can be possible, such as sole care (with or without contact with the second parent).

Our local divorce solicitors in Reading can assist with negotiating arrangements for children in divorce as well as with applications for Child Arrangements Orders from a court. At all times, we will use our legal expertise and judgment to ensure your children’s wellbeing is protected, as is your relationship with them.

Reaching an amicable agreement

Generally, the divorce process in the UK can be completed amicably as long as both spouses are willing to work together and they each get the right divorce advice. Applying for a divorce is now rarely contentious as there is no longer any need to assign blame or find reasons for a divorce in the UK. Likewise, the process of dividing finances and making arrangements for children can also typically be achieved with minimal conflict.

Many separating couples will simply agree how to divide their assets and what should happen to any children they have, then have their solicitors review their agreement to make sure it is reasonable. A voluntary financial settlement can then be made binding with a Consent Order from a court.

If an immediate agreement is not possible, then alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and collaborative law can be very useful. These processes can allow a divorcing couple to work out how these issues should be resolved in an amicable way, avoiding the need for contentious court proceedings.

Key benefits of these approaches include that they are usually much faster and less costly than court proceedings. They can also allow you to keep matters private, unlike court proceedings, which happen in public. Additionally, you will retain control over what is decided, rather than placing this power into the hands of a judge.

Our divorce lawyers in Reading can advise on your rights and negotiating strategy and review any agreement reached through negotiation or alternative dispute resolution. We offer an in-house collaborative law service if this option is suitable for your circumstances.

Court proceedings

In those rare cases where it is not possible to agree the details of your divorce or this is not appropriate (e.g. in cases of domestic abuse), then court proceedings may be required. If this does apply to your divorce, then please be assured that we can support you through every stage of court proceedings.

Our divorce lawyers will fully explain how these proceedings work and what you can expect. We will then meticulously prepare your case and represent you during any hearings that take place. Drawing on our many years of experience and fierce litigation skills, we can give you the best chance of securing the outcome you need while also providing close personal support through what can be a tough time.

Our divorce law fees

The cost of divorce in the UK will depend on your situation and requirements. While some costs are fixed, such as the application fee, you will also need to factor in legal fees for assistance with matters such as separating your finances and making child arrangements.

At Clifton Ingram, we believe in complete fee transparency. We will be happy to discuss our fees for the matter with which you need assistance when you contact us and can provide a quote with all costs clearly outlined.

Contact our divorce solicitors in Reading

To get in contact with our divorce lawyers in Reading, you can call us on 0118 957 3425 or use our contact form.

Alternatively, talk to someone now via our .

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