
The wise men and women at Clifton Ingram Solicitors, have helped spread a little Christmas cheer by making gift boxes that will be distributed to families, children and the elderly across Eastern Europe.

The partners and staff have used the money they would have spent on Christmas cards to buy lots of gifts, toys and essential household goods and put them in special shoe boxes provided by Rotary. The filled boxes are then distributed by Rotary Clubs to those most in need across Eastern Europe.

The Rotary Shoe Box Scheme is an all year round project but their distributions peak at Christmas. You can learn more by visiting

Jonathan Davis, Chairman of Clifton Ingram said, “I would like to thank my colleagues who have taken the time to prepare shoe boxes, and all the Rotary members for their distribution efforts. Lets hope that we’re able to raise a few smiles on the faces of those less fortunate than us this Christmas”.

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