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Clifton Ingram achieves Cyber Essentials Plus Certification

Clifton Ingram understands how important it is to minimise online security threats and how disruptive these could be, to both the firm and our clients. As part of our continued improvement programme to deliver the best possible service, we applied for Cyber Essentials Plus Certification.

Cyber Essentials is a UK Government backed standard for business cyber security which helps organisations protect themselves and their customers against common cyber-attacks.

In order the meet the standards required for Cyber Essentials Certification, Clifton Ingram’s technical and operational measures, and how they are applied, had to be assessed by an accredited body selected by the National Cyber Security Centre. We had to demonstrate the appropriate levels of quality assurance processes, security control procedures and security assessment methodologies amongst other qualification criteria.

John Hargrave, Chief Financial Officer at Clifton Ingram said “We hope the Cyber Essentials certification will give our clients and prospects peace of mind that Clifton Ingram and our staff take cyber security seriously and have appropriate measures in place. By adopting Cyber Essentials we can reduce the threat of Cyber Attacks by up to 80%”.

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