With the continued spread of the coronavirus, keeping our clients and colleagues safe is our top priority.
We therefore ask that you:
- Please stand behind the marked line when talking to Reception Staff
- Please do not shake hands with anyone within the building
- Please wash your hands prior to your meeting and before leaving the building
- Please use the hand sanitisers available
- Please place all documents being delivered in the tray in the Reception Area
Also please let us know if you have:
- travelled to any of the high risk locations
- been in close contact with people who have visited those locations, or
- been in close contact with anyone who has or is suspected to have coronavirus
- a high temperature or cold-like symptoms
If any of the above applies, in line with the current government advice please either re-arrange your meeting for another time or arrange a telephone conference call with your solicitor.
Thank you for your patience and co-operation in helping us to prevent the spread of this virus.